The Best Safari Baby Shower Ideas

When hosting a baby shower choosing the perfect theme is part of the fun of party planning. You get to use your creativity and showcase your talents for the expecting mother and guests to enjoy. 

Party Submitted By Janessa Morton Resendes!

Need some ideas for a baby shower? Check out this latest blog post to see all the beautiful details to style a safari themed baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #safarithemed #safariparty #safaribabyshower #babyshowerideas #party planning #babyshower #baby #babyshowergifts #babyshowers #babyshowerparty

A Safari Themed Baby Shower will definitely set the tone for a cute and intimate gathering to celebrate the expecting parents and new baby! The possibilities are endless when it comes to planning a Safari Themed Baby Shower with all the fun animals and jungle greenery this Safari Theme is sure to be a hit! 


Janessa is a teacher but does party planning as a hobby. Her kids are 5 and 6-year-olds and she says they always have pretty fun parties. Janessa styled this Safari Themed Baby Shower for her sister and she said, “I’m pretty simple. The only person I used was a cake lady, and the rest was me. It’s a lot of work, to say the least… my sister created a safari themed nursery for baby Gavin so that’s what inspired me to go with the Safari theme.” 

Check out all the beautiful photos we’ve included showcasing all the beautiful details and creativity that went into styling this Safari Themed Baby Shower. 

expecting mother crying at baby shower.jpg
Are you planning a baby shower and need some ideas? Check out our latest blog post to find the best safari themed baby shower ideas! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your partyy planning needs!
Want to have a safari-themed celebration but need decor ideas? Check out our latest blog post for some creative and fun decor and centerpieces to catch your guest’s eyes. LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #safaridecorations #safaritablesetup #jungletheme #kidsbirthday #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowerdecor #partyanimals #wildanimals #tablescape #diydecor #partyplanning #party
safari center pieces.jpg
Check out our latest blog post to get some baby shower inspiration! View more photos of this fun and creative Safari Theme Baby Shower! Learn how you can re-create the looks! LYFETYMES IS THE #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #SAFARISTRAWS #plasticwildstraws #paperstraws #safaritheme #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowerdecor #party #baby #welcomebaby #ohbaby #jungle
If you’re looking for some fun activities to have at your party check out this latest blog post. You can re-create this fun safari theme for your next celebration. Add an arts and crafts painting table for the kids to enjoy. Check out our latest blog post to find out the details of this safari themed baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 part planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #safariparty #welcometothejungle #jungletheme #babyshower #baby #party #partyplanning #showergifts #top10 #expectingmother #whattoexpect #partyblog #babyshowerideas
Looking for the perfect baby shower theme? Check out our latest blog post to see the beautiful photo details for this SAFARI THEMED Baby Shower! Get some ideas to plan your next celebration! LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING website! Check us out for all your party planning needs!  #babyshowerideas #safaritheme #cutlery #partyplanning #baby #whattoexpect #babyshower #junglebaby #inthejungle #thebestbabyshower #2020babyshower #partysetup
Looking for a fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these chocolate-covered safari-inspired pretzel sticks are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #safarifood #pretzelsticks #safaripretzels
Need some ideas on how to set up a beautiful safari tablescape? Check out our latest blog post to see some epic pictures so you can re-create the look! From Safari utensils packs to the pictures and greenery we can show you how to pull off the best baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #tablescape #safarifood #safaribabyshower #babyshowerideas #foodtabledecor #tabledecor #safarithemedfood #safaridessert
Looking for a fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Animal Cracker Popcorn Crunch is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Babies in a Blanket is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this fruit tray with a palm tree made out of pineapples is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #pineapplepalmtree #diypalmtree #jungle #safaridecor
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Babies in a Blanket kolaches is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Need some fun and creative ideas for a baby shower? Check out this latest blog post on a Safari Theme Baby Shower! Find out how you can re-create the details. And have these water bottle plastic wraps. #safaribabyshower #safaridecor #safaripartydecor #waterbottlewraps #welcomebaby #babyshowerideas #babyshower #babyshowergiftd #bestbabyshowerthemes #baby #party #jungletheme #welometothejungle
Looking for the perfect baby shower theme? Check out our latest blog blog to see this fun and creative safari theme baby shower! Lots of photos included with details. This party will make you go bananas! LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #monkey #safari #babyshowerfood #safaribabyshower #bananas #gobananas #welcometothejungle #safarianimals #bestbabyshowerideas #babyshowerideas #safarithemefood
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Banana Pudding in cups is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #bananapudding #bananapuddingrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these chocolate candy leaves are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for a fun and unique food tablescape ideas? Look no further, this Safari Theme food table set up is the perfect idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #safaritablescape #tabledecor
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Caramel Apple inspired Grapes are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #carnival #caramelapplegrapes
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Choclate Chip Cookie Dough Dip is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #choclatechipdip #diprecipe #recipe #safarifood
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Deviled Eggs are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Babies in a blanket. Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party#partyfood #babiesinablanket #deviledeggs #bestdeviledeggsrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these elephanit cut out rice krispy treats are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #elephants #babyelephant #babyshowerfood #ricekrispyelephant
Looking for a fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, elephant rice Krispy treats are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #ricekrispyrecipe #elephantfood
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this food table setup is perfect for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for fun baby shower activities to engage your guests and give away prizes? Check out our latest blog post for this cute “Guess how many animal crackers” activity set up. Perfect for a safari theme baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #lyfetymes #partyplanning #party #birthday #babyshowergames #babyshoweractivities #babyshowerideas #babyshower #baby #whattoexpect #babyshowerdecor #safaribaby #safaribabyshower
Looking for fun baby shower activities to engage your guests and give away prizes? Check out our latest blog post for this cute “Guess how many animal crackers” activity set up. Perfect for a safari theme baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #lyfetymes #partyplanning #party #birthday #babyshowergames #babyshoweractivities #babyshowerideas #babyshower #baby #whattoexpect #babyshowerdecor #safaribaby #safaribabyshower
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Mini Cheeseballs are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #cheeseballs #cheeseplate #cheeseballsrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these monkey cookies with nutella and Nilla Waffers are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #monkeycookies #party #birthday #partyfood #diycookies
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Nutter Butter Cookies or Elephant Snacks are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #partyfood #elephants
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these safari cupcakes with animal toppers are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #animalcupcaketoppers #caketoppers #cupcakerecipe #safaricupcakes
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this “Safari Feed” or Chex Mix puppy chow mix is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #puppychowrecipe #chexmixrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Safari Punch with rubber ducky animals  is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #safaripunch #punchideas #babyshowerfoodideas
Looking for a beautiful 2-tier elegant cake ideas? Check out our latest blog post to see the beautiful 2-tier cake for a Safari Theme Baby Shower! Cake Topper was bought from Etsy! Check out more photos of this fun creative safari theme party! #cakedecor #safaricaketopper #elegantcakes #babyshowercakeideas #babyshowerideas #babyshowerdecor #baby #babyshowergiftideas #welcomebaby #jungle #safaritheme
You can’t have a party without thank you gift bags! This safari theme baby shower had the cutest Thank You gift bags for guests to take home! Check out our latest post to see more pictures of decorations and food this fun and creative baby shower set up! LYFETYMES IS THE #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #thankyougifts #thankyougiftideas #babyshower #babyshowerideas #baby #babyshowerdecor #expectingparents #whattoexpectwhenexpecting #safaribaby #safarithemebabyshower #party #partyplanning

Vendor Credits:

Cake: Sweet Adelaide's Bakery

Cake Topper: Etsy



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