The Best Safari Baby Shower Ideas

The Best Safari Baby Shower Ideas

When hosting a baby shower choosing the perfect theme is part of the fun of party planning. You get to use your creativity and showcase your talents for the expecting mother and guests to enjoy. 

Party Submitted By Janessa Morton Resendes!

Need some ideas for a baby shower? Check out this latest blog post to see all the beautiful details to style a safari themed baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #safarithemed #safariparty #safaribabyshower #babyshowerideas #party planning #babyshower #baby #babyshowergifts #babyshowers #babyshowerparty

A Safari Themed Baby Shower will definitely set the tone for a cute and intimate gathering to celebrate the expecting parents and new baby! The possibilities are endless when it comes to planning a Safari Themed Baby Shower with all the fun animals and jungle greenery this Safari Theme is sure to be a hit! 


Janessa is a teacher but does party planning as a hobby. Her kids are 5 and 6-year-olds and she says they always have pretty fun parties. Janessa styled this Safari Themed Baby Shower for her sister and she said, “I’m pretty simple. The only person I used was a cake lady, and the rest was me. It’s a lot of work, to say the least… my sister created a safari themed nursery for baby Gavin so that’s what inspired me to go with the Safari theme.” 

Check out all the beautiful photos we’ve included showcasing all the beautiful details and creativity that went into styling this Safari Themed Baby Shower. 

expecting mother crying at baby shower.jpg
Are you planning a baby shower and need some ideas? Check out our latest blog post to find the best safari themed baby shower ideas! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your partyy planning needs!
Want to have a safari-themed celebration but need decor ideas? Check out our latest blog post for some creative and fun decor and centerpieces to catch your guest’s eyes. LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #safaridecorations #safaritablesetup #jungletheme #kidsbirthday #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowerdecor #partyanimals #wildanimals #tablescape #diydecor #partyplanning #party
safari center pieces.jpg
Check out our latest blog post to get some baby shower inspiration! View more photos of this fun and creative Safari Theme Baby Shower! Learn how you can re-create the looks! LYFETYMES IS THE #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #SAFARISTRAWS #plasticwildstraws #paperstraws #safaritheme #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowerdecor #party #baby #welcomebaby #ohbaby #jungle
If you’re looking for some fun activities to have at your party check out this latest blog post. You can re-create this fun safari theme for your next celebration. Add an arts and crafts painting table for the kids to enjoy. Check out our latest blog post to find out the details of this safari themed baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 part planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #safariparty #welcometothejungle #jungletheme #babyshower #baby #party #partyplanning #showergifts #top10 #expectingmother #whattoexpect #partyblog #babyshowerideas
Looking for the perfect baby shower theme? Check out our latest blog post to see the beautiful photo details for this SAFARI THEMED Baby Shower! Get some ideas to plan your next celebration! LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING website! Check us out for all your party planning needs!  #babyshowerideas #safaritheme #cutlery #partyplanning #baby #whattoexpect #babyshower #junglebaby #inthejungle #thebestbabyshower #2020babyshower #partysetup
Looking for a fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these chocolate-covered safari-inspired pretzel sticks are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #safarifood #pretzelsticks #safaripretzels
Need some ideas on how to set up a beautiful safari tablescape? Check out our latest blog post to see some epic pictures so you can re-create the look! From Safari utensils packs to the pictures and greenery we can show you how to pull off the best baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #tablescape #safarifood #safaribabyshower #babyshowerideas #foodtabledecor #tabledecor #safarithemedfood #safaridessert
Looking for a fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Animal Cracker Popcorn Crunch is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Babies in a Blanket is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this fruit tray with a palm tree made out of pineapples is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #pineapplepalmtree #diypalmtree #jungle #safaridecor
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Babies in a Blanket kolaches is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Need some fun and creative ideas for a baby shower? Check out this latest blog post on a Safari Theme Baby Shower! Find out how you can re-create the details. And have these water bottle plastic wraps. #safaribabyshower #safaridecor #safaripartydecor #waterbottlewraps #welcomebaby #babyshowerideas #babyshower #babyshowergiftd #bestbabyshowerthemes #baby #party #jungletheme #welometothejungle
Looking for the perfect baby shower theme? Check out our latest blog blog to see this fun and creative safari theme baby shower! Lots of photos included with details. This party will make you go bananas! LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #monkey #safari #babyshowerfood #safaribabyshower #bananas #gobananas #welcometothejungle #safarianimals #bestbabyshowerideas #babyshowerideas #safarithemefood
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Banana Pudding in cups is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #bananapudding #bananapuddingrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these chocolate candy leaves are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for a fun and unique food tablescape ideas? Look no further, this Safari Theme food table set up is the perfect idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #safaritablescape #tabledecor
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Caramel Apple inspired Grapes are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #carnival #caramelapplegrapes
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Choclate Chip Cookie Dough Dip is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #choclatechipdip #diprecipe #recipe #safarifood
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Deviled Eggs are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Babies in a blanket. Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party#partyfood #babiesinablanket #deviledeggs #bestdeviledeggsrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these elephanit cut out rice krispy treats are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #elephants #babyelephant #babyshowerfood #ricekrispyelephant
Looking for a fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, elephant rice Krispy treats are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #ricekrispyrecipe #elephantfood
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this food table setup is perfect for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party
Looking for fun baby shower activities to engage your guests and give away prizes? Check out our latest blog post for this cute “Guess how many animal crackers” activity set up. Perfect for a safari theme baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #lyfetymes #partyplanning #party #birthday #babyshowergames #babyshoweractivities #babyshowerideas #babyshower #baby #whattoexpect #babyshowerdecor #safaribaby #safaribabyshower
Looking for fun baby shower activities to engage your guests and give away prizes? Check out our latest blog post for this cute “Guess how many animal crackers” activity set up. Perfect for a safari theme baby shower! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #lyfetymes #partyplanning #party #birthday #babyshowergames #babyshoweractivities #babyshowerideas #babyshower #baby #whattoexpect #babyshowerdecor #safaribaby #safaribabyshower
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Mini Cheeseballs are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #cheeseballs #cheeseplate #cheeseballsrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these monkey cookies with nutella and Nilla Waffers are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #monkeycookies #party #birthday #partyfood #diycookies
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these Nutter Butter Cookies or Elephant Snacks are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #partyfood #elephants
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, these safari cupcakes with animal toppers are the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #animalcupcaketoppers #caketoppers #cupcakerecipe #safaricupcakes
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this “Safari Feed” or Chex Mix puppy chow mix is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #puppychowrecipe #chexmixrecipe
Looking for fun and unique food ideas for a baby shower? Look no further, this Safari Punch with rubber ducky animals  is the perfect snack idea for a Safari Themed Baby Shower! Easy to create and delicious! Check out our latest blog post for the best Safari theme party ideas. LYFETYMES is the #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #safaritheme #baby #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #jungletheme #partyanimals #safarianimals #safarifoodideas #snackideas #expecting #partyplanning #party #safaripunch #punchideas #babyshowerfoodideas
Looking for a beautiful 2-tier elegant cake ideas? Check out our latest blog post to see the beautiful 2-tier cake for a Safari Theme Baby Shower! Cake Topper was bought from Etsy! Check out more photos of this fun creative safari theme party! #cakedecor #safaricaketopper #elegantcakes #babyshowercakeideas #babyshowerideas #babyshowerdecor #baby #babyshowergiftideas #welcomebaby #jungle #safaritheme
You can’t have a party without thank you gift bags! This safari theme baby shower had the cutest Thank You gift bags for guests to take home! Check out our latest post to see more pictures of decorations and food this fun and creative baby shower set up! LYFETYMES IS THE #1 PARTY PLANNING WEBSITE! CHECK US OUT FOR ALL YOUR PARTY PLANNING NEEDS! #thankyougifts #thankyougiftideas #babyshower #babyshowerideas #baby #babyshowerdecor #expectingparents #whattoexpectwhenexpecting #safaribaby #safarithemebabyshower #party #partyplanning

Vendor Credits:

Cake: Sweet Adelaide's Bakery

Cake Topper: Etsy


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10- Must Have Baby Products for the First Year

10 Must-Have Baby Products for the First Year

If you're expectant with your first child, chances are you have no idea of the newborn products you’ll need. We thought ahead and prepared a guide of all the essentials you should have for the first year. The products range from baby clothing to safety products. Take a look. 

Oh Baby! Are you or someone you know expecting their first child but don’t know what to expect? Check out our latest blog post to find out the 10 must-have baby gifts for the first year! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #babyshower #ohbaby #whattoexpect #babyshowergiftideas #babygiftideas

Welcoming a newborn baby can be very exciting and very scary at the same time, especially if it's your first time. One thing that makes the first-year smooth is having all the necessary products the baby will need.

We have prepared a detailed checklist of all the must-have newborn products to make work easier for you. Starting from feeding, bedding, diapering to clothing, we've got you covered.

Are you expecting or know someone that is expecting their first child? Check out our latest blog post to find the 10 must-haves every parent should have for the first year! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #ohbaby #babygifts #babyshowerideas #whattoexpect #babymusthaves #babyshowerplanning

Check this out: 

  1. Baby Clothes

Baby clothes are sized by age. However, some brands can vary in their sizing, so it's crucial you check weight and height description to help you find the right outfit.

Some babies wear three-month outfits straightway and never need the newborn size. But since there is no way of knowing, it's safe to have a few newborn outfits.

Also, buy a few clothes with the next size that your baby will need before they get there. Kids grow up really fast.

Accepting hand-me-downs and buying second-hand clothes can help you have multiple size options to choose from.

The best newborn products as far as clothing is concerned should be soft, durable, and roomy. They should also be made from materials that can withstand multiple washings. Avoid clothing with ribbons, tassels, and strings to avoid choking hazards.

Consider organic clothing as it is made with no chemicals or harsh dyes. The setback is they are a bit expensive. Regardless of the cloth type, you can use friendly detergents to avoid skin irritation.

2. Car Seat and Stroller 

Need baby shower gift ideas? Check out our latest blog post to find 10 must-have baby items for the first year! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #babyshower #babymusthaves #whattoexpect #babygiftideas #bestbabystrollers #bestbabyitems #partyplanning #planbabyshower

The first journey with your baby will be from the hospital to your home. Most hospitals will require you to have a car seat to make sure the baby is safe. The car seat is also to ensure you have a smooth ride during clinics and outings. Invest a reasonable amount of time in choosing the best car seat and don't compromise on quality for a cheaper one.

Another gear you need is a baby stroller. You obviously want to take your baby around the neighborhood. It's crucial you choose the best umbrella stroller in the market to allow your baby to sit and nap comfortably during walks without getting sunburns. 

3. Diapers and Wipes 

This should be on the top of every must-have newborn product list. Babies use the most diapers and wipes in their first year. The number will reduce as they move towards their first birthday. So, stock up on lots of them as they're a necessity. 

With that said, diapers are one of the most sensitive newborn baby care products because of diaper rash, which is very common. To avoid the latter, choose a quality diaper and make sure it fits to prevent skin irritation. 

As for the wipes, you can choose to go with reputable brands or any wet wipes for the purpose. Make sure they're hygienic and safe for the baby. 

Consider having a changing station at home with all these products. There is a good amount of diaper-changing in the first months, and the changing station makes it easier.

4. Feeding Essentials 

Whether you'll be bottle-feeding or breastfeeding, it's essential to have enough bottles and nipples. Newborns only drink around 4 ounces of milk at the beginning, so you can start with four ounce-bottles and upgrade to 8 ounces as the baby grows. 

You'll also need milk bags, formula, and a breast pump as they're the most critical baby products needed for a newborn for the first year.

Once your baby is six months old, they'll probably be ready to eat solid food. It's therefore good to have food smashers, baby spoons, washcloths, bibs, and bowls on standby. A high chair with a tray also comes in handy as you can move it around and attach it to your dining table set. 

5. Bedding Essentials

It's vital that you make sure you research the best products for newborn babies when shopping for your baby's beddings.  

However, for starters, you can co-sleep with your toddler. This way you'll have your baby close to you, making feeding easy. 

Are you expecting or know someone that is expecting their first child? Check out our latest blog post to find the 10 must-haves every parent should have for the first year! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #ohbaby #babygifts #babyshowerideas #whattoexpect #babymusthaves #babycrib #bestcribs

When you decide to move them to their crib, find one that has perfect safety features and an excellent mattress to ensure your baby is comfortable.

Also, avoid leaving quilts, blankets, and pillows as it could increase the risk of SIDs. Using Swaddlers instead of blankets can help prevent suffocation issues as well. 

6. Bathing Essentials

You can give your newborn a bath once the umbilical cord dries and falls off. You can either place the baby bathtub in your tub or use the kitchen sink. Make sure you choose a tub that is strong and durable. Remember to include shampoo and no-tears formula baby wash on your newborn baby bath product list. To avoid any chemicals, use no fragrance shampoo and body wash. 

Include newborn hair products to detangle the hair as combing their hair can be painful for them. 

After the bath, wrap your baby with a soft hooded towel, and use washcloths to clean the ear area.

You can also add a few toys in the tub to make the washing experience playful for the baby.

You'll also need other products for grooming purposes like baby oil. The newborn baby girl products are similar to newborn baby boy products at this age, so don't stress too much. 

7. Safety Needs

You need to make sure your baby is safe even when they're in another room. Fortunately, there are both audio and video monitors in the market that can help you watch your baby.

A baby monitor becomes even more critical once the baby starts to roll and crawl as they can easily injure themselves. 

Before your baby starts moving, make your home baby-friendly to prevent accidents by adding safety gates, latches, outlet covers, etc. 

8. Baby Carriers 

Looking for some baby shower gift ideas? Check out our latest blog post to find 10 must-have baby products for the first year! LYFETYMES is the #1 party planning website! Check us out for all your party planning needs! #babyswaddle #babyshower #babyshowerideas #babyshowergifts #whattoexpect #planningababyshower

While you're on the go, it's not always possible to hold your baby in your hands the whole time. And at times, you prefer not to carry your baby stroller with you. For this reason, it's essential to have a baby carrier. It helps you snuggle your toddler close to you and still be hands-free. Therefore, you can use one while you're at home doing chores or taking care of older kids.

As with any other baby product, a baby carrier should be chosen with utmost care. The straps and harness should be secure enough to hold the baby and allow you to support them. Although baby carriers come with multiple benefits, it's recommended you use them only when necessary. 

9. Baby Entertainments

Babies love to have fun, and you'll also be able to move around the house when they're engaged. Every newborn loves a pacifier, so that should be the first toy you get for your baby. Play gyms and bouncy seats also work well for kids who aren't mobile yet. They enjoy the sights, sounds, and other bouncy features.

Once your toddler starts to move, you'll need to upgrade toys to rattles, musical toys, and other interactive games.

10. Health Care Products 

After getting the best products for newborn babies to cater for their daily needs, you'll need medical products. It's crucial that you have a few healthcare items with you. They include a first aid kit, digital thermometer, teethers, baby brush, etc.

Also, talk with your pediatrician to learn what over-the-counter medications you need to keep in the house.

Final Thoughts

We hope our newborn products checklist will help you in the preparation of your newborn. Visit our blog for more articles on baby products, and get first-hand reviews to help you choose the right products. 

About the author

Rachel Burns is an experienced copywriter and photographer with a design diploma. She works with startups, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and companies from around the world. In addition to writing articles and promotional materials, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking, and spending time with her family.

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