Best Back to School Party Ideas

Plan an epic back to school party or end of the summer party. Get great back to school ideas from the #1 party planning site at

Back to School Party Ideas

Can you possibly imagine that summer is ending and it’s almost the beginning of the school year? It seems every year that the start date creeps a little closer and closer and the summers get shorter and shorter. Most parents are going through some range of emotions: A child starting kindergarten for the first time; entering a middle school; a first-year high school student or a senior preparing for adulthood. No matter where you are in the circle of life, it's normal for parents to feel anxious with any changes coming to their child's routine or environment.

So the good news is we are all going through this emotional roller coaster together. And yes, it’s a roller coaster: the other side of the coin is the guilty exhilaration we parents feel with back to school; doing cartwheels of freedom; full time accredited child supervision; grocery bill going in half by not having to feed "human food inhalers."

But the more significant point should be, it's a milestone, and it's worth celebrating. It is essential our children feel loved, excited, and confident going back into school and we are a part of that ecosystem.

To help navigate these waters for parents AND your kids, we wanted to share some of our favorite Back to School/end of Summer Party ideas to celebrate another year passing and another milestone beginning, So before you go, Saber that Champagne bottle, we put together a list of fun ideas to wrap this summer up! Also, head over to LYFETYMES Pinterest page for over 60,000 Party Ideas and Themes.

Slumber Parties and Camping Under the Stars

Sleepovers are a great way to bring kids back together and help them keep reacquainted after a long summer. They help keep friendships intact to ease those "first day of school" nerves. Host a Spa Party for girls to give some well-needed pampering before going back to school. We have great DIY inexpensive ideas and hacks from cucumber slices, facials, DIY Mani and Pedis, and more.

Host a Camping or Glamping party, timing is great before we head into fall and then winter and nothing bonds friends more than stories by a campfire, making smores and gazing at the stars. Check out our favorites here Highly recommend pitching a tent and asking the kids to bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Even if you have it inside, there is nothing better than building an indoor fort!

New Adventure Class Party

If you have a youngster that still has a teacher and same class most of the day, you usually know who the teacher and kids in the class are prior to school beginning. Those are the children who most of your kids will be with most of their time. Arrange a "Back to School" party or "Meet & Greet" at the local park for a picnic with the kids. Think of it as a large organized play date. Have each parent bring a treat that wants to participate. Trust me, and these parents can really help you in a jam and its since classmates usually change every year, nice for your little one to know some familiar faces Day 1 of school.

Too Cool for School

This is fun for pre-teen/ teen kids who can be awkward and goofy and probably the most nervous about school. This age is also the age where you as a parent may not realize that adorable angel that said "I love you" every second, may morph into Satan's little helper at times no matter what you do. So while you are trying to help "kid network" like you would a LinkedIn even, you can also go on recon for who is going to be around them. Get their guard down by organizing an activity like Skating- 80's neon theme- bonus they won't be on their phones on skate due to fear of dropping their precious ring, I mean phone. Get neon inspired ideas at

"Backpack Bash"

This can be done with friends, family, or classmates. All the kids bring backpacks, and each parent is responsible for bringing one supply from those god-awful supply lists kiosk at a Walmart that looks like it's been ransacked as if it had free money in it. Have the kids hand them out the supplies or trade t with each other. Makes a great scavenger hunt or treasure hunt activity by providing each child the list and clues or a map. It does take a bit to organize, but if you use – it will be painless to pull your party and school items together. Remember its all about the experience and building confidence and social skills and having fun doing it.

Coachella Party, Festival or Fair

The end of summer can be a great time to hold a festival, fair, or carnival. A great reason to bring a community together, and have a fundraiser for a great cause.

So many DIY inspirations and parents are eager to help. It can set a fun, positive tone for your group and school and become an annual event.

You can split it up in age-friendly groups k-5 Farmers Market Fair, Grade 5-8 Carnival and High School age Coachella. Fun activities ring toss, face-painting, and crafts. As well, you can help keep families cool in hot weather by renting a blow-up water slide and offering items such as shaved ice and water toys. Check out amazing Coachella ideas at

Planning a Back to School Party?

Planning a party can be stressful and time-consuming, and that's why we created LYFETYMES. LYFETYMES is Your All-In-One FREE Digital Party Planner. We will help you plan your perfect Back to School party stress-free so you can soak up every moment. Start Party Planning in 30 seconds: Create a Party Website, manage guests & track RSVPs, add a registry, shop for decor, make food and items lists, add Co-Hosts to help, and more! You will never know how you did it before LYFETYMES. Follow us for the latest party ideas and trends at here.

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