Fun Christmas Ideas For 2020 During COVID

Fun Christmas Ideas For 2020 During COVID

Fun Ideas to Celebrate Christmas Season! Ho, Ho, Holy Crap. Looks like we are still in this through the Holidays. This can be especially hard because it is the time of year where have traditions embedded in our Holiday Celebrations - we pack in the malls, go to parties, and travel to see loved ones to name a few. We know you just got the kids finally back on a school schedule and before you know it, they are home for three weeks. Before you start a naughty and nice list with a permanent marker on your living room wall to blackmail the children into submission, we are re-imagining how we can get through this and enjoy this Holiday Season. Let’s try some new traditions and revamp some old ones to keep the little’s busy and you just might keep them for years to come.

Christmas Advent Calendar We are huge fans. It’s a fun surprise for the little’s to look forward to every day. Set it at the same time, use it as an incentive to get through bath time and once they are in their Jam Jam’s. You can find a variety of Advent Calendars in every price range and size but we like the handmade paper bags and wooden pins in a decorated basket - you can decorate the bags & pins if you love little details like us. Older kids? They love them too, stuff them with iTunes Cards, Funny Socks, Cash, etc.

Putting together a Hot Cocoa Bar This is a must and can make a wonderful DIY gift! Create cute decorated space for a Hot Coca bar with all the fixings –the kids will love Cocoa Time (you know, how we love Cocktail time!) We created this one all from HomeGoods, they had adorable Holiday cases where I delivered portable cocoa bars to my parents and grandmother.

Cookie & Ornament Decorating & Gifting Another Holiday must and make great gifts for Grandparents! I would recommend getting a role of craft paper for the kiddos, they can go nuts and it’s easy to clean up. You don’t need to do all your baking at once. Make it an activity you do once a week. I use this metal carrier to separate all the décor options. Buy the store-bought dough to save time. Grab some inexpensive times and paper and send a dozen to with a note to Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles. They will eat it up.   Ornaments Decoration’s- Follow the same ideas as above. You can buy inexpensive plastic ones at any craft store, glitter, glue, etc. Have the children make homemade ornaments as gifts! These are such a wonderful keepsake. Pack them in bubble wrap if you are mailing to keep from breaking.

Virtual Santa Visits

Dragging your kids to the mall, standing in a crowded line, and putting your kid on Santa’s lap where 10,000 diapers and tears have been prior, seems a bit off this year. Virtual and Zoom Santa will be all the rage this year. One of our favorites is the virtual Santa & His Elves experience at Santa zoom Personalized One on One Santa Interaction for 20 minutes.

Zoom Christmas- Opening Gifts sent by loved ones together

Social distancing will keep families at home this year, so gifts will be sent all over the world. No doubt the joy of giving gifts is seeing the reaction of the people opening them. Create a Zoom Family Christmas Gift Opening/Exchange Party. If you have a large extended family here is how to pull off the ultimate Zoom Secret Santa exchange party.

How to throw a Matching Pajama Party & Pancakes

This is your Instagram/Facebook/TikTok moment! Nothing is cuter than this tradition of IHop like Pancake station with all the fixings (hello Craft Paper again) in matching Family PJ’s. You can inexpensive matching PJ’s at your local Walmart.

Making Reindeer Food to Prepare for Santa

This is a fun family favorite. Letting the children spread out Reindeer food the night prior- All You Need is Oats, Green Sugar, Red Sugar, Cellophane Christmas Bags and get your free reindeer stickers here. This makes a fun and inexpensive gift for friends and their children. Keep the Christmas Magic alive with this fun & super easy holiday tradition! Here’s a great recipe.

Car or Bike Ride/Walk A Parade of Lights

We are predicting the decorations will be all out this year - and we need it. Get out in the crisp air or the car and drive around, grab some blankets and pillows, thermos of hot cocoa, sing carols, and go enjoy the beautiful Christmas Lights. Make sure to check your local activities for Christmas experience like drive in Polar Express Movie or Drive Through Zoo Holiday experiences, there will be plenty of safe options to enjoy!

Gingerbread House Contest This can be done in any neighborhood or group and families can take turns dropping them off at a designated judging table. Wrap them in cellophane so they stay protected. It’s just a super fun activity and kids get a holiday lesson in competitive and probably not winning - you know there’s always one freak on the block that will recreate the Magic Kingdom out of graham crackers.


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