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Best 1st Birthday Baby Shark Theme Party

Best 1st Birthday Baby Shark Theme Party

This beautiful 1st baby shark birthday party was submitted by Carter 7 Grand Events. This is what she said was her inspiration to create and style this party. “As a party planner/decorator; we are often asked to repeat a popular theme more than once; and BABY SHARK being as popular as it is; we have completed several setups; however, this was our first large setup and our first setup for the theme outdoors. 

It was a very HOT TEXAS DAY, but we managed to pull through. Our client was very excited to celebrate Romir's first birthday party and even motivated and gave us so much eagerness to set up such a memorable event. We took a little bit of everything we had previously set up before and added a little twist to it. 

Having the event outdoors under a tent; gave us a little more imagination to work with; from the balloons hanging from the center of the tent; to the props being placed in front of the water wave custom table cloth that was made by our business owner Carla Smith. The entire setup was  FUN - FUN -FUN. We never draw out a detailed setup map; we just bring what we need and then we allow our creative juices to flow and we create a GRAND-ness. 

Carter 7 Grand Events is our business name; which has a very meaningful meaning behind it; which is part of the reason we love setting up children's events. Carter is the name of the owner of our business’s first son; who passed away during birth; it was her only child; but was the 7th child of her deceased husband, who passed away suddenly 2 years after their son passed away from a blood clot. 

When hired to do children's events; it is always an exciting and fun time for us and most of our inspiration comes from our sweet and precious angels who watch over us from above. 

We would like to invite you all to our business page on Facebook @Carter 7 Grand Events and on Instagram Carter 7 Grand Events

We would like to give a special thanks to She's Making Sweets for the amazing cake, custom candy apples and cupcakes; and also La Casa de Carton for our amazing marquee numbers that we love so much. 

Romir's Baby Shark 1st birthday was definitely one of our favorite setups since dealing with this pandemic. Due to the pandemic of course business for us is not what it once was and parties are not how they use to be. Through the hand sanitizer on each table, and no candles being blown out on the main birthday cake, and food being served in to-go containers; we were still able to bring some sunshine with our decorations; even during the pandemic storm. We pray for the safety and well being of everyone and this too shall pass; we hope very soon. 

We’ve included lots of pictures for you to enjoy every child’s dream party!

Vendor Credits:

Party Stylist & Event Planner: by Carter 7 Grand Events

Cake: She's Making Sweets

Party decor: La Casa de Carton

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